أسئلة وأجوبة حول زراعة الشعر
جراحة زراعة اللحية هي تطبيق المنطق الأساسي المماثل لعملية زراعة الشعر على المناطق الخالية من الشعر في وجه المريض. يمكن تشكيل اللحية والشارب والسوالف عن طريق نقل بصيلات الشعر (الطعوم) المأخوذة من المنطقة المانحة على مؤخر العنق إلى المناطق الخالية من الوجه.
في السنوات الأخيرة ، كان السادة والسيدات يولون اهتمامًا خاصًا لموضوع زراعة الشعر واللحية والشارب. العملية التي يتم إجراؤها في مدة قصيرة مع عملية جراحية هي إعادة ترميم الشعر الخفيف أو المتساقط. يعزز نمو الشعر في منطقة التطبيق. تُعرف عملية زراعة الشعر بنقل الشعر المأخوذ من أنسجة الشخص بعد التشاور مع خبرائنا.
زراعة الشعر بتقنية FUE هي استخراج بصيلات شعر فردية للمريض بواسطة خبراء بمساعدة محرك دقيق باستخدام اللكمات من 0.8-0.9 مم. في الماضي ، كان من غير الممكن للأسف استخراج الكثير من جذور الشعر بهذه الطريقة. بفضل طريقة Fue ، يمكن إزالة المزيد من بصيلات الشعر (الطعوم) وزراعتها دون أي ضرر. نظرًا لأنه يمكن زراعة المزيد من بصيلات الشعر (الطعوم) بفضل هذه الطريقة ، يتم الحصول على نتائج مرضية للمريض في فترة ما بعد الزرع. يمكن تقليل التندب في مؤخرة عنق المريض (المنطقة المانحة). إنها مكسب مهم للغاية من حيث عدم إزعاج المظهر الطبيعي للشخص في فترة ما بعد الجراحة.
هي عملية زراعة بصيلات الشعر المستخرجة من منطقة مؤخرة العنق بتقنية FUE بواسطة قلم زرع الشعر DHI واحدًا تلو الآخر في المنطقة التي يتم فيها تساقط الشعر. بالمقارنة مع عملية البذر باستخدام الأطواق الجراحية ، غالبًا ما يفضلها المريض بسبب قابليتها للتطبيق دون قص الشعر الموجود. يمكن التعامل مع عدد أقل من بصيلات الشعر. إنه سبب تفضيل المريض من حيث الطبيعة. لأنه باستخدام قلم DHI ، يصبح التشتت الأكثر كثافة لزراعة الشعر ممكنًا في المنطقة المستهدفة ويمكن تعديل اتجاه الشعر المزروع بدقة أكبر. يتم تسريع عملية الشفاء لأنها تقلل من عدوى ما بعد الجراحة والمضاعفات الأخرى بعد الجراحة. يتم تنفيذ تقنية DHI التي تتم أثناء عملية زراعة الشعر من قبل عدد من مراكز زراعة الشعر ، بما في ذلك مركزنا ، في تركيا وحول العالم بشكل عام ، وتعتبر تقنية جديدة ومميزة تمامًا.
جراحة استعادة الشعر هي عملية من 4 خطوات وهي التخدير ومرحلة امتصاص الجذور وفتح القناة وزرع الجذور.
No. We don't have an agreement with any of health insurance companies.
Hair Treatments and Hair Transplant operations for scalp and facial hair are the services that we offer.
Women suffer from hair loss similar to men, too. And also they might need to strengthen their existing hair like men. Hair transplant and hair treatment services are those we provide for our women patients.
Initially, you should contact us and get an appointment for consultation. If you are out of city or country, you may send your photos depicting the current condition of your hair for online consultation. A friend of us will get in touch with you as soon as possible and inform you about the next steps. You may learn more about the following steps on our Hair Transplant Services page.
After the operation, we give you a warranty that contains all the information about your hair transplant procedure. Your transplanted hair will grow as your original hair and will give you a natural look as long as a health condition or treatment does not affect the hair follicles and cause hair loss. If you are exposed to any cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or any other treatments having the same effects that could cause damage to your body hair, they will give the same damage to your transplanted hair, too. Lastly it should be well-known that there is no 100% success rate in hair transplant operations. All the clinic tests conclude that 85% success in hair transplant operations is quite reasonable. We can say that we expect a higher rate of success if anything goes well. But 100% success in hair transplant is a BIG LIE.
Yes. In addition to hair transplant procedure, we provide those services including; airport pick-up, hotel accommodation, hotel-clinic transportation, and translators for our international patients.
It takes around 6-8 hours that fluctuates depending on the patient?s hair condition and operation plan.
Hair transplant operations are done under local anesthesia, after checking whether the patient has any allergy condition or not.
No. As hair transplant operations are performed under local anesthesia, you don?t feel any pain during operation. Additionally, we use special injectors for administering anesthetic solutions to scalp. Those injectors have no needles and allow us to administer anesthetics with greater ease and virtually no pain. Despite this, we prescribe pain pills for the post operation period.
The doctor decides whether the patients are suitable or not for the procedure after a medical search. Age plays only a minor role in transplantation. Being over 18 is sufficient for undergoing hair transplant operation from the respect of age. In addition to that, you are not to have some onic diseases that prevent you from having any surgical op. and not to be exposed to Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C or HIV. It is important to have a blood test and assure yourself not to have those diseases before deciding on hair transplant op.
Only natural hair that belongs to you is the answer to the question. Likewise the organ transplant, as the lifelong medication works, the body rejects the foreign hair directly.
Since this is not an operation under general anesthesia; the risks are relatively lower in the hair transplant. It may cause an intolerance of the local anesthetic that can be easily ignored. There is no side effect of the hair transplant itself which is yet known.
We recommend a 6-month waiting period for the area where hair transplant has not been performed, and a 1-year waiting period for the area where hair transplant has been conducted.
We achieve satisfactory results with PRP therapy in a hair transplant procedure. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) supports healing of the tissue and growth of the hair after the procedure. For more information, you may refer to our PRP page.
On a healthy person's scalp, there are 200 hair strands in (cc) square centimeter. Taking this number as reference, we make an assessment by analyzing hair follicles on both the donor and the recipient area on the scalp. After determining the convenient hair line together with the patient, we make our operation plan.
From a proper donor region, depending on the patients, we can extract 5.000 grafts maximum. To work with a greater number of grafts may spoil the scalp tissue and its appearance.
During the operation, we protect the grafts, which are extracted from the donor area, under ideal conditions by preserving them in a special solution and cooling process that maintains the appropriate conditions.
Micro FUE method is the process of extracting follicles from donor area by using micro punch tips of 0,8 or 0,9 diameter, without any incision marks or stitches left, and implanting these follicles to the recipient area one by one. The extracted grafts are transplanted into the planned areas of the patients? scalp or face. Micro FUE technique allows us to give the accurate angle and direction to the hair follicles, which s crucially important for achieving a natural appearance. Thanks to the comfort offered to patients and the successful results achieved, FUE method has become one of the most preferred techniques. We are very experienced in this technique, and we are very proud of providing natural appearance to our patients from all around the world beside reasonable hair density.
When you come for consultation without having your hair cut, your doctor can obtain more information and make assessment more accurately about your hair condition. For this reason it is recommended NOT to have your hair cut before consultation.
Prior to the operation you can apply/take your medicines that are intended to be used as a treatment for your hair loss. During the consultation session, specific medicines or treatments will be recommended by your doctor, which will help strengthen and protect your existing hair.
As alcohol can adversely interact with the medication (local anesthetics) used during the procedure, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages or taking narcotic drugs for at least 24 hours prior to the operation. It is also recommended that you avoid drinking alcohol if you are taking antibiotics after the procedure.
Smoking causes constriction on your blood vessels and this may affect your hair growth negatively. We recommend you to stop smoking 24 hours prior to the operations and 1 week after the operation.
First of all, you should inform your doctor who recommends you to use medication and ask his/her advice on whether going on those medicines to use or not prior to hair transplant procedure. Once you have received approval to stop taking your medication temporarily, you should discontinue taking medications that might thin your blood such as aspirin for about three days prior to the operation. Before the hair transplant procedure, you are to inform us about your current health condition and the medications that you are taking.
FUE hair transplantation is a minimally invasive operation and post-operational recovery is very fast. After the operation, only small scabs on the recipient area and tiny red dots at the donor area can be seen. 15 days after the operation, the donor and recipient area will return to their normal appearance.
After two months, your transplanted hair will start to grow. From 4 to 6 months post-surgery, the growth rate will increase and by the 6th month the patient will be able to observe the first results of his/her hair transplant procedure. Between 12 and 18 months after a hair transplant procedure you will be able to observe the final outcome of your operation.
Definitely no. Depending on the dexterity of our operator, there will be no incision marks left.
Initially hair design and lastly naturel look are two main factors that make our procedures perfect in a successful hair transplant. After recovery, naturel look of the donor area is strictly connected with the regular dispersion of the hair after extracting required follicles. In this phase, the dexterity of the operator plays an important role. If the follicles are extracted too closely to each other, it may form small barren spots on the donor area causing unnatural and patchy look. Our experienced and talented operators give no way to such kind of issues.
The term Shock Hair Loss, which generally occurs within the first 2 months after the operation, is defined as the period where all patients experience a temporary shedding of their newly transplanted hair. We call this period as shock hair loss. After this phase, permanent hair will start to grow.
Right after the operation, you may feel swelling, numbness or sometimes a little bit pain. You should wash your hair according to hair wash instructions for 15 days. At the end of 15 days, the skin tissues of donor and recipient areas heal and return to skin?s original appearance.
You can return to your daily routine and work within 2-3 days after the hair transplant operation. Bear in mind that the crusty appearance formed on the transplanted area will be continuing for up to 15 days.
Briefly, for about 15 days, you should avoid bodybuilding or any other heavy workouts that can cause excessive sweating. You should take a 1-month break for sports such as swimming or playing basketball, football, tennis, etc. For more detailed information you may visit After Hair Transplant page of our website.
Your doctor will give you instructions about the needed medications or treatments after the operation. If the doctor advises you to take minoxidil, you should start applying it to your recipient and donor area after recovery time.
After one month you can shorten your hair with a scissor or clipper. We advise you NOT to shave your hair with razor blade before six months.
The hair washing process will start on the 3rd day following surgery until the 15th day, by applying the lotions and shampoos recommended by us. For further information you can visit our Washing Hair After Transplant page of the website.
If you start itching, you can use antihistamines that has been recommended by your doctor
If you experience minor pain after the hair transplant procedure, you can use a mild painkiller that has been prescribed by your doctor.
Small lesions like pimples can be seen on transplanted area in the first 2 or 3 months following a hair transplant procedure. This is quite normal. They will disappear within a few months. Those lesions, without requiring any treatment, usually disappear on their own, If you experience any other discomfort due to the lesions, please contact us so we can provide you with the necessary instructions on what you should do..
Mesotherapy is a kind of treatment on baldness triggering hair re-growth for both men and women. It can also delay the pattern of balding in men. Some of the signs that an individual needs to recognize before seeking mesotherapy are; hair thinning, patchy hair loss and balding. The procedure includes having tiny needles injecting a cocktail of vitamins into the scalp´s surface. The vitamin boost to your scalp allows you to have better blood circulation in your scalp and hair follicles, which results in better hair re-growth.
Cocktails made with their ingredients, act at the level of the dermal papilla. Mesotherapy treatment regulates hair growth and stimulates the production of keratin. The cocktail of vasodilator agents increase blood supply to the hair follicles by providing a functional microcirculation. In this way hair is revealed and getting thicker and sleek. Vitamins and trace elements in cocktail prevent hair loss, regulate oil secretion and reduce dandruff formation. They also contribute with their antioxidant properties.
There is no constant medication in scalp mesotherapy. According to the pathology existing in each patient, treatments with different mechanisms of action, alone or in combination are chosen. General principal is to avoid using many agents in a combination and to use minimum number of agents that will be sufficient for patient pathology.
During hair transplant operation, in order to extract the hair follicles without harming, the donor area is swollen up by administering serum fluid called normal saline. The same process is carried out while opening channels in order to obtain a sufficient density and a correct angle of the follicles that will be embedded to the recipient area of the scalp. Those fluids may cause under-eye and forehead swelling if the patient doesn?t rest enough or look down too much bending his head after having operation. This is not a big health issue for the patient but causes an appearance disturbing cosmetically.