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Turkey FUE Hair Transplant Prices | FUE Technique | Follicular Unit Extraction in Istanbul

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What is FUE Hair Transplantation Technique?

FUE Hair Transplantation Technique is the extraction of individual hair follicles (grafts) of the patient by experts with the help of micro motor using punches of 0.8-0.9 mm. In the earlier times it was unfortunately unapplicable to extract so many hair roots in this way. Thanks to the Fue method, more hair follicles (grafts) can be removed and planted without any damage. Since more hair follicles (grafts) can be planted thanks to this approach, satisfactory results are obtained for the patient in the post-implantation period.


Scarring can be minimized in the nape of the patient's necks (donor area). It is a very important gain in terms of not disturbing the natural appearance of the person in the postoperative period.

fue-hair-transplantation in Turkey
fue-hair-transplantation in Istanbul

FUE hair transplantation technique which takes place during the process of hair transplantation is being implemented by a number of hair transplantation centers, including ours, in Turkey Istanbul and around the world in general, and is viewed as a new and quite special technique.

FUE hair transplantation technique we are able to take out more hair follicles (grafts) then before. Thanks to this technology that we can remove and plant the grafts in our patient's head without any damage.

Hair and Esthetic Clinic

FUE Hair Transplant Before After Photo

Fue hair transplant Istanbul

What to consider for a safe hair transplant operation in Istanbul?

The answer to this questions starting from experience, high quality service to hospitality of the personel who will be responsible for your hair transplant. To be honest the most important part is the staff and experts' spent years in hair transplantation field.

In addition to considering the quality and experience, the environment and location where you receive this treatment are crucial factors to take into account. You should take this operation in full-fledged hospital in which your health will be ok. Bear in mind that you will have a surgical operation and better not to risk your life while thinking to look better. We gave our years into this field and have experienced team at least 10 years. We are aware that this is your health and you will undergo an medical operation here. So better to be careful where you have your hair transplantation treatment and calculate the possible outcomes.

Another reason to entrust your treatment to professionals with extensive experience is to address potential communication issues. You should be able to able to explain your wishes and the staff should communicate with you also. Otherwise after a silent operation with no communication, it would be like expecting a miracle to have good results. You should talk and discuss and explain yourself to the expert so that s/he will do the best for you. So you should be also careful about the communication issues while choosing your clinic.

How does an FUE hair transplant procedure in Turkey?

The FUE procedure is minimally invasive, requires no stitches and leaves no scarring. The patient is treated as an outpatient. Here is the step-by-step FUE procedure in Turkey: 

Firstly, the patient is consulted and the procedure is decided after the general health condition is examined.

After local anaesthesia is applied to the area where the procedure will be performed, the surgeon usually removes hair follicles from the nape of the neck with the help of a puch under.

In order not to adversely affect the extracted hair follicles, the grafts are immediately transplanted to the bald or thinned area.

What are the advantages of FUE hair graft ?

Minimally Invasive: Unlike the traditional method, there are no wounds and stitches. Fast Recovery Time: Since there are no wounds and stitches, faster healing is provided. Versatility: FUE can be applied on almost all hair types, beard and eyebrows. Less Visible Scarring: Due to the special tools used in the FUE process, there are almost invisible scars.

What is the best age for an FUE hair transplant?

Hair transplant for the treatment of baldness is usually performed on healthy women or men over the age of 25.

For individuals before 25 years of age, it is premature to say that hair loss is caused by baldness. Hair care treatments that support and protect the hair such as mesotherapy or PRP can be applied.

Is an FUE hair transplant painful?

FUE hair transplant is not painful.

During FUE procedure in Turkey, patients are given local anaesthesia and thus do not feel any pain during the procedure, but they may feel a slight discomfort. After the surgery, it is normal to have mild pain or swelling in the treated area and these discomforts disappear within a day or two. Surgeons usually recommend painkillers to make the patient feel better after the procedure. If the pain, swelling and redness do not go away within a day or two and become severe, you should definitely contact your surgeon.

Is FUE Hair Transplant Turkey Permanent?

Yes, FUE Hair Transplant Istanbul is permanent.

FUE Hair Transplant is a less invasive method. A crust almost does not form on your scalp. Hair Transplant Istanbul offers you a natural look.

As you get older, you may experience hair loss problems. However, the hair that is shed will not be the hair that is transplanted.

Additionally, you can also use this method for woman hair transplant Istanbul.

At FUE Hair Transplantation after care, the Hair and Esthetic Turkey surgeon will continue to follow you.

How much does an FUE hair transplant cost in Turkey?

FUE hair transplantation cost in Turkey varies depending on the clinic, the surgeon's experience, the location and the number of grafts required. On average, you should expect to pay between £1,500 and £3,500 for an FUE hair transplant. This is significantly more affordable than in the UK, where the cost can range from £5,000 to £10,000. Affordable prices in Turkey, combined with quality care, hygienic clinics, experienced surgeons and a good holiday, have made it a leading destination for hair transplantation.

How long does it take for the hair grafts to be secured?

The hair grafts transplanted from the donor area to hair transplantation area are anchored to the new area around 7-10 days. During this time, aftercare instructions must be followed to protect the grafts. The healing process continues for several weeks. The growth and strengthening of new hair is a long-term adventure. New hair growth typically begins 3 to 4 months after the procedure and full results are seen in 12 to 18 months.

How many grafts do I need for an FUE hair transplant?

The number of grafts required for hair transplantation depends on the size of the area to be treated and the desired hair density of the patient.

Fewer grafts are required for a small area, while more grafts are required for larger areas. Also, if the patient wants a dense hair appearance for a small area, the number of grafts is increased.

The patient states patient’s expectations during the consultation with the surgeon. A treatment plan is prepared accordingly.

How long do hair transplants last?

Hair transplantation treatments are permanent.

Therefore, hair transplanted in Istanbul does not fall out, but hair loss continues in untreated areas. Existing hair falls out or becomes thinner over time depending on age and hormones. In this case, an additional hair transplantation procedure or hair care treatments can be performed if necessary.

When can I start exercising after the surgery?

In Turkey, it is necessary to avoid exercise and strenuous activities for 10-15 days after FUE treatment to prevent damage to the grafts due to sweating and pressure.

When can I go back to work after the surgery?

If your job is strenuous and requires physical activity, you should take 10 days off, if you have a routine and non-strenuous job, it is enough to take 3 days off.